# this script 1)fits mash on eQTL results 2) computes mashr posteriors on subset of data # 10/11/2020 JR # prereq: ./mashr_Tcell_prep.R library(ashr) library(mashr) library(data.table) library(dplyr) library(doParallel) cores <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_STEP_TASKS_PER_NODE")) registerDoParallel(cores = cores) library(RhpcBLASctl) blas_set_num_threads(cores) library("profmem") # load the data: load(paste0("Tcell_mash-ready-data.Rd")) Sys.time() m.ed = mash(data, U.ed,outputlevel=1) Sys.time() # grab a random subset of rows to test how long it takes: random.subset = sample(1:nrow(data$Bhat), 10000) data.temp = mash_set_data(data$Bhat[random.subset,],data$Shat[random.subset,]) Sys.time() mashtmp <- mash_compute_posterior_matrices(g=m.ed,data=data.temp) Sys.time() ### END 10/11/2020 sessionInfo()