This folder contains compendium of predictions of genetic variants effects summarized per motif Note: effect column, 1= snp in footprint (no effect on binding) 2 = centisnp (effect on binding) Genome coordinates are in hg19 (b37) Columns: chr pos (0-based) pos1 (1-based) motif (motif ID, see factorNames.txt) footprint_score_lr strand ref_priorlodds alt_priorlodds ref_allele alt_allele effect (see note) The effect of binding is (ref_priorlodds - alt_priorlodds). If positive it means that reference allele increases binding. If negative it means that the alternate allele increases binding. We usually consider absolute score >3 to be a CentiSNP (effect=2), otherwise (effect=1). 3 units of difference in the logOdds scale correspond to 20x fold change in the Odds the SNPs having an impact on binding. We can also calculate the posterior log odds of each allele as: PostLogOdds_ref = ref_priorlodds + footprint_score_lr PostLogOdds_alt = alt_priorlodds + footprint_score_lr